How to Quit Smoking Without Gaining Weight
How to keep off the pounds when you give up cigarettes
Tips to Minimize Hunger and Weight Gain after Quitting Smoking
1. Plan activities for times when you have the urge to grab a cigarette. Go for a coffee break, call a friend, take a walk, or do some errands.
2. Keep your hands busy at all times. This is key for the evening hours. Take up knitting, catch up on emails, or indulge your nails: give yourself a manicure or plan for a daily polish change.
3. Carry a water bottle with you whenever you can. This will occupy your hands, and sipping calorie-free water throughout the day will help you avoid weight gain.
4. Bring healthy snacks with you, in portion controlled Ziploc bags. Dried fruit and nuts, string cheese, and low-calorie energy bars are good choices.
5. Keep sugarless gum, mints, or a travel-size mouthwash in your pocketbook. It's great for cleansing your palate when you're craving sweets. At night, brush your teeth right after dinner.
6. Get moving! If you haven't been exercising, now is a good time to start. Exercise will minimize your hunger, boost your metabolism, help you burn calories, and improve your mood.
12 years ago