Dan aku sekarang masih ditag oleh Tinie.
Jawab lah~
* Here are the rules *
List these rules on your blog
1) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog
2) Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
4) Link the person who tagged you
** If u cannot read the task,highlight!
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog
*Anak tunggal,dilahirkan di Johor Bahru,masih bujang (hahaha! tak ada 'some one special' lagi)
*Bintang Pisces (18 March 1988)
*Beperwatakan agak tomboy.
*Suka makan yang pedas,pedas,pedas,gila super pedas.
*Suka gila beli kasut tinggi.
*Pakaian dekat rumah kebanyakannya warna HITAM!
*Paling tak suka kalau dapat bunga (berkuntum-kuntum tu!)
Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
*Kalau makan kek (tak kira la apa² kek pun) mesti nak cicah dengan sambal!
*Suka buat milk shake letak peanut butter + oreo (with out cream),makan oreo pun buang cream!
*Setiap kali makan mesti nak ada kicap manis! Even makan Nasi Lemak pun nak ada kicap!
*Sebelum tidur mesti nak cium bau perfume.
*Orang cakap muka aku nampak innocent je! Orang yang cakap ek! aku tak cakap pun~
*Mama aku pulak cakap aku masa baby dulu kecik gila! (1.2kg) Sekarang dah besar nakal + degil nauzubillah! hahaha!
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
*Pujangga Asmara
*Mohd Loqman
12 years ago
sbnrnya sy xberp minat dgn tag, papepun tq your remember me.
by the way i try to share about me
lahir bulan 4.duk ipoh.
pemalu, mudah terasa, suka menyelami perasaan org lain.
kerja suka bertangguh konon nk bila nk buat kerja2 nanti mesti perpect la, tp xseperti yg dijangka, terlalu jg perasaan org lain, xsuka kadet polis , terlalu beralah apa saja org kata pada kita...
hi irra :)
thanks for tagging. will do the tag later dlm mggu ni, insya-Allah. have a great weekend! ^^
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