Sekarang ni Irra tengok ramai orang yang nak cuba naik kan berat badan.
Nak tambah berat badan kena makan banyak,lift weight and etc la.
Ramai jugak yang berfikir angkat berat adalah kunci untuk gaining weight,memang tak dinafikan, it is an extremely important part. BUT, there is another thing that it just as important when it comes to how to gain weight, and that is your diet.
There is 5 step to gain weight:
- Count how many calories U eat in a normal day. (Even though tak tau nak kira macam mana u all agak-agak je) Jangan ubah apa yang U all makan, just eat like U normally would and count how many calories U many calories u consumed. Ini adalah salah satu cara, so try to be as exact as possible.
- Starting the day after U counted calories, eat 500 calories MORE then U normally do. Lets pretend that day U counted calories U counted 2000. Instead of eating 3 big meals a day or eating all day the time, spread those calories out over 5-6 smaller meals. Makan satu meal every 2 jam 30minit hingga 3 jam. Nak besar or gain weight, u all kena makan banyak! EAT BIG! Remember that!
GET IN THE GYM AND LIFT! Ini pun penting jugak, so make sure u are doing it correctly.
- Setiap minggu, timbang la berat anda. U'll notice u're gaining just after one week! Jangan pulak U all expect boleh increase naik 5 kg dalam masa satu minggu. Kalau nak berat badan 3kg dalam masa satu minggu memang tak sihat,itu bermakna U all putting on way to much fat. So look for 0.5 kg or 1 kg gain at the end the week. Don't sound like much? U can gaining 2-3.5 kg a month.
- Here's an important thing! At some point, U will stop seeing weight gain. Masa ni la U all perlu makan (makan,makan,makan). Bila U all stop gaining at least 2 minggu, bermakna U all kena mula tambah calories intake extra 250 calories sehari. Setiap kali U all cuba menambah berat badan dalam masa 2 minngu tapi tak berjaya, tambah dan tambah dan tambah extra 250 calories.
- WATER! drink more water! More!!!!
- LEMPOYANG!!! ok...ramai yang tertanya-tanya 'Apa benda LEMPOYANG tu?'. Nama saintifik dia 'Zingiber Zerumbit'. Kegunaan LEMPOYANG ni untuk penambah selera makan. Rupa dia macam HALIA (memang adik-baradik halia pun~). Sedap buat ulam.
- Sleep! YES! Sleep!
at least 8 hours of sleep a night. You're gonna need it.
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